In the past couple of years there has been an awakening when it comes to mental health and the adverse affects of those who struggle with mental illnesses.

It dawned on me that after four years at Nebraska Christian College there was never a class on mental health and its issues. Maybe the school administration didn’t think back in mid-70’s it should be taught. Maybe it would be a political hot potato with supporting churches. Or it didn’t matter.

True or False? Pastors commit suicide? Answer: Yes. Many more than you could imagine. When I speak to churches the congregation is always deeply surprised. Many shake their heads in disbelief. Pastors? Today there are numerous stories of pastors, minsters who can no longer deal with the challenges that haunt them. Family, finances, drugs, pornography, affairs, weak church leadership, anxiety, divorce, and depression. All culprits that lead to just one last way out.

It is not unheard of for a pastor on a Sunday morning to pull up in the church parking lot and commit suicide. Maybe the pastor wanted to leave one last message.

And what about the people who attend church. The odds are that you’re sitting in church next to someone who has brought their troubles with them. One in five U.S. adults experience mental illness. About 50% of adults with mental illness receive no treatment.

Janelle who has been unsuccessful in getting pregnant. Bob with a drug problem. Bill who has a loving wife yet having an affair. Jeff was fired from his job, the only income for his family. Marge is so depressed since the lost of her husband. Everything goes bad for Lillian. And the list goes on.

What’s the answer in supporting pastors, family, church members, neighbors, and work mates?

The Kingdom Partnership and the Gateway to Hope in Houston, Texas in collaboration offers Empower Training.

Who can take this course? Anyone who has an interest in gaining greater understanding of mental health is encouraged to take this course.

It’s a two-hour online course and free. At the completion a Certificate of Completion is award. Go at your own pace. There no time limits for this course.

You will learn;

How to start a conversation about mental health in your church.

How to communicate with someone in distress and refer them to a professional for assistance.

The main symptoms of mental health disorders and the truth behind misconceptions surrounding mental health disorders.

The Benefits of Taking EMPOWER Training.

You’ll understand the most common mental health topics.

You’ll gain the knowledge you need to aid those struggling with mental illness.

You’ll adopt a set of skills that can be quickly implemented following the EMPOWER training.


EMPOWER can be taken in the quiet of your living room or as a group at church.

Become a Spiritual First Responder.

For information call: Dick Creek, Director of the Kingdom Partnership at:402-297-6876.