What does it mean when the Kingdom Partnership tells pastors, their wives, and their congregations that “WE CARE”?

It all begins with “We Understand.” Ministry is a challenge and often times the last straw. Many of our team partners have walked in your shoes. They have experienced the highs and the lows. Thier passion is to save pastors, churches, and build leaderships.

WE CARE about pastors. As previously noted, ministry is a challenge. We get it and with our support and programs like, Shepherd’s Care, a mental health program with dedicated staff, we are there to serve these pastors. I once asked my mentor, Dr. Richard Brown did our Bible College ever teach good mental health care? His answer was ‘no’ but we should have.

WE CARE about small and rural churches. For many years the small and rural church was the backbone in building the United States. But times are different now. Populations change, people move on average 14 times in life often for better opportunities, the farm looks different as well. Small towns struggle to keep Main Street alive. Unfortunately, our churches are caught up in the backwash.

With God’s guidance the Kingdom Partnership has discovered for churches to stay alive in their service. “Bridge Pastor Training” is a program that we equip and trained members of any church, in any locale, how to fill the pulpit. We prepare them with the basics of ministry.

WE CARE about offering encouragement and support. Have you ever noticed that one of the reasons Jesus sent them out two at a time was to have a partner?

The Kingdom Partnership offers pastors a drink of fresh water. Every pastor, every church needs encouragement. It’s our spiritual air! We pray with you and listen.

WE CARE about congregation’s leadership ability. In interviews I’ve had with churches more times than not I hear, “We need to strengthen our leadership.”

At the Kingdom Partnership we provide a training for building strong leaderships with a workshop entitled, “Towel & Basin Leadership.” Ask yourself where will our congregation be in 2 years, 5 years, and possibly 10 years? One pastor said, “Ask me where will our church be by next year.”

This workshop trains up elders, deacons, and leaderships to become stronger leaders. Leadership means more than a monthly meeting.

WE CARE about pastor’s wives. The toughest job in the church may well be that of a pastor’s wife. These women deserve our attention and support. At the Kingdom Partnership we offer a ministry entitled “Safe Harbor.” This is a great ministry led by Crystal Paredes, a pastor’s wife herself. Crystal has a deep passion for encouraging pastor’s wives. She will listen, pray, and uplift these soldiers of the cross.

Are you interested in any of these programs? Many are free of charge. Our dedicated leaders did not want to be a financial burden for those who need the help.

Call or text me today to arrange the service you need.

Remember WE CARE for you and your congregation!

Richard Creek

Founder & Director

402.297.6876 RDCreek@cox.net

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