Surprised? Yes

Bewildered? Uh, ya.

Thrilled? Most definitely!

Still Smiling? For sure.

Having been a Christian all my life and a preacher for a lot of that life I’ve seen many things. Like when I traveled to the eastern Hungarian frontier during the Cold War. In brief, I traveled with my partner behind the Iron Curtain to visit an older couple who were Christians. That day had been very long. Under the cover of night, we thought we found their house but had no idea. This couple had never met us and on top of that didn’t have a clue we were coming. As we sat in the car debating our next move, two very large wooden gates flew open with our lady waving for us to come in. We were at the right house. Go figure, right? Most people would later say it was God’s doing.

A very frail, older woman was on her death bed at Hillcrest Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In a dark, very quiet room sat me, a niece who ran the cardiac unit, and her husband. We exchanged our talk with whispers. The time was drawing near for this soul to go home. Suddenly she sat up in her bed. She turned to her niece, June, and asked, “Do you see them?” June responded, “Who aunt Sadie?” She then turned to me and asked the same question. I played along and asked, “Sadie tell me who they are.” “There’s a man with sheep waving at me to come. You see him, right?” I said I did.

In a matter of a few minutes, she joined that man.

An older elder, friend, and my mentor at River Oaks Christian Church where ministered had lost his wife of 60 years. Considerable time had passed since her death. One day Rollin called me at the church and asked if I could come over to his house 101 East “A” Street in Jenks, Oklahoma. When I arrived, I announced I was there. Rollin came out of the kitchen where he had been doing the dishes. “I have a very important question that I need an honest answer.” “OK, I said. “I need you tell me if I’m going crazy.” This man had incredible faith. “I was in the kitchen and Martha called for me. “Dad, I need you to come here.” “I hesitated. Then again, “Dad please come to the living room.” So, I did. “Dick, I heard her voice. I truly did. Now tell me am I crazy? Even though I had never had that kind of experience, I reassured him he was not crazy and be thankful.

I’ve seen God in action. He chooses how and when I believe. People often like to question if God still ‘talks’ to us today. There is a debate among some that He does not. They’ll say He talks to us through the Scriptures. I agree but one thing I’ve learned is God doesn’t live in a box. He can choose how and when if He wants to communicate with us.

Three months ago, I lost my grandson Jamin in a traffic accident. He was in the passenger’s seat of the car he was riding when it was broadsided, and “J” was instantly killed. “J” was 18 years old and had just graduated. At 6’4′ he was a terrific athlete with a personality that captured anyone he met.

But now Jamin was gone. Whenever “J” and I were together and it was time to leave we always hugged one another and said to each other, “I love you.” We did this every time. Now those “I love yous” had ended.

Sadness and tears are a part of every day life for me and my family.

Yesterday my wife and I needed to go to the hospital for an appointment. We checked in and went to a very large waiting room. It could easily seat 40-50 people but there were only 6 when we arrived, and they were scattered. I turned away from Karen to take off my coat as she turned to take her’s off a few feet away from me.

Then the voice…one word…actually a name and it rang clear as a bell. “Creek.” My last name. No one budged. Karen and I turned and looked each other. Karen asked “Did you hear that? “Did I hear what? I asked in return. Karen: “I heard “Creek. Do you know someone here?” “No and I heard it also. It was clear and distinct.

Tears started coming to my eyes. “Creek.” It was said in a way to get someone’s attention.

Now no one can say to me, “Oh, Dick that was just a fluke.” No, it wasn’t. With Karen hearing it also validates what we heard.

Was it God? Jamin? For now, I choose to believe it was God speaking on behave of “J”. Why? Not sure. I know for the rest of the day I couldn’t stop smiling. Maybe God was saying I have him here with Me. I can accept that.

So, Rollin I don’t believe either one of us is crazy!

Has God ever “talked” to you? I’d like to hear about your experience. Shoot me an email at:

For now, I have blessed assurance!