• Some people don’t like to see others pursuing their dreams. The Biblical story of Joseph, son of Jacob, is a classic example. Joseph had big dreams. And what was the response of his brothers? They said, “Look, this dreamer is coming! Come therefore, let us kill him now!” Genesis 37:19,20. Life is not easy for…

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  • I recently came across this list of some very interesting comments that another person should never say to a Christian. What caught my eye was the title itself. Wouldn’t you think it would be the other way around? Christians are often scolded for professing their beliefs. So, see what you think about the next fourteen…

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  • What does it mean when the Kingdom Partnership tells pastors, their wives, and their congregations that “WE CARE”? It all begins with “We Understand.” Ministry is a challenge and often times the last straw. Many of our team partners have walked in your shoes. They have experienced the highs and the lows. Thier passion is…

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  • Too many pastors take themselves too seriously and don’t take God seriously enough. I believe we need to reverse that. If I could share a moment with Jesus, it would be when someone, something made Him laugh. Humor is one of the most underrated tools in a pastor’s toolbox. It will make you a better…

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  • 4 Things to Do at your Breaking Point Stress is a part of ministry. If you don’t have any stress in your ministry, you’re probably not being very effective. You need a certain amount of stress in your life to accomplish anything. Stress is what gives you the energy, the effort, and the ability to…

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  • As Christ followers, we build many important spiritual habits into our lives – including prayer, Bible reading, gratitude, and so on. All of them will play a critical role in our spiritual journeys. But we must not forget the habit of praising God. It’s particularly important when we’re struggling. What makes praise so important for…

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  • “Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So, we mix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen, since what seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” I Corinthians 4:17-18 One thing you can always count on in ministry is…

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  • A True Story from Dr. Mark Dance about his dilemma of his overwhelming battle with depression and how he handled it. “Fifteen years ago, this was my story. I was 22 years into my career as a pastor when I suddenly found myself unable to think clearly. I was left without the capacity and energy…

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  • A Pastor’s True Story “Why won’t you heal me, Lord?” Have you ever asked that question? A pastor recalls that three years ago” I found myself in what felt like a deep spiritual hole.” “I felt hopeless, dark, within my soul, and crying enough tears to fill the Grand Canyon. I felt like I was…

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  • Iam the child of a pastor. Once a pastor’s kid, you’re always a preacher’s kid. If you’re a preacher’s kid, whether your parents are still in the ministry or not, people still look at you with a certain standard or eve stereotypes. In his book, The Pastors Kid: Finding Your Own Faith and Identity, Barnabas…

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