The Pastor – His Family – The Church

The ministry is much like a roller coaster ride. It is simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying.

Ministry for a pastor, his family, and the church he serves is exciting until things start to get complicated, and as a pastor you say to yourself, “What was I thinking?”

My name is Richard Creek, and I am the Founder and Director of the Kingdom Partnership. (

I spent over 30years in the ministry and as a TCM missionary during the Cold War. If I could go back to year one, I wish someone would have taught me about setting “Safe Boundaries.”

At The Kingdom Partnership we are proud to offer “Shepherd’s Care.” Shepherd’s Care helps provide mental health services for any pastor Free of charge. Whether you’re lonely and isolated or are having serious thoughts about going on in life we are here to serve you. This ministry has 5 trained coaches and one licensed counselor who offer their expertise and help. We also provide a variety resources that offer support.

Today, I start a new series of posts entitled “Setting Safe Boundaries.” This series will cover:

The Ministry Roller Coaster

The Secret Thoughts of a Pastor’s Wife

I Never Chose to be a Preacher’s Kid

The Church and a Pastor’s Family

Let’s look today at The Ministry Roller Coaster

Week One: The Ministry Roller Coaster

“I love being in the ministry! Every day I’m amazed that God counted me faithful and put me in His work. What a privilege it is to serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.”

The best days of my life have been serving God. But wait. Some of the worst days of my life have been serving God.

You see, the work of the Lord is not always a bed of roses. It has its up and downs with twists and turns. One moment you can be at the height of rejoicing over a victory and the next moment plunging towards the depths of defeat. The joy can quickly turn into fear as life races out of control.

Longevity in God’s work is dependent upon how you handle the hard times.

Everyone enjoys the mountain top experiences and the feeling of victory as you overcome problems to rest on the peaks of life. It is exhilarating to stand where the air is crisp and the vision is clear.

How ever, no one can live on top of the mountain. Vegetation is scarce fora reason. The highest peaks are beautiful to look at from afar but are barren and cold once you arrive.

There is a valley on either side of a mountain. This implies that there usually two valleys for each mountain top experience in your life.

So, pastors must learn to manage these ups and downs of life to succeed in God’s will.

Consider these verses; II Corinthians 1:8-10, II Corinthians 4:7-12, II Corinthians 11:23-28 and Philippians 3:4-10

Ministry is like a roller coaster. The higher the mountain, the lower the valleys.

Enjoy the days of high attendance but refuse to be discouraged when few people come. Rejoice when lives are saved but keep going when hearts are hard. Love the fun moments of ministry but serve joyfully during the monotony of hot summers and fridged winters. Delight when people express their love for you but stay true to the Book in spite of critics and naysayers.

Get On

Don’t let fear keep you from doing what you know to do. Fear paralyzes. Faith moves us forward in spite of doubt. Imagine how much better your life would be if you simply did what you know to do.

“Longevity in God’s work is dependent upon how you handle the hard times.”

Open Your Eyes

Fear will cause you to close your eyes and miss the moment. If you keep your eyes open, you will see things that others miss. In ministry, we must keep our eyes on Jesus. Don’t let fear overwhelm take your eyes off the Lord. Be on the lookout for lessons to be learned, instructions to be received, and blessings to be gained.

Trust the Process

The Bible still works in 2024. Work on the plan! Preach the Gospel. Win souls. Baptize believers. Preach the whole Counsel of God. Love people. Live by faith. Be like Jesus!

Hang On

God knows what He is doing. He has every detail in your life in His hand. When it feels like your life is spinning out of control, trust the Lord. Hang on to Christ for dear life. He will get you through.

Have Fun

Serving God is the best way to go. What a life! Yes, there will be tense and tumultuous moments, but the good times will outweigh the bad by far. Have fun in life. Enjoy serving God with your family and church. Smile. Count your blessings. Fill your mouth and heart with thanksgiving.

Longevity in God’s work is dependent upon how you handle the ups and downs.

Life is a gift and ministry is a privilege. Enjoy the ride!

UP NEXT: The Secret Thoughts of a Miniter’s Wife. To talk to Richard call: 402-297-6876