Did you know that 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness? About 50% of adults with mental illness receive no treatment.

These issues affect people from all walks in life – no one is immune to psychological distress. Although mental illness is fairly common, sufferers often feel to embarrassed to seek help. This can ultimately have devasting consequences —mental illness lessens an individual’s quality of life and can even result in suicide.

Gateway to Hope and The Kingdom Partnership Collaboration Offer ‘Empower Online Training’

WHO CAN TAKE THIS COURSE? Anyone who has an interest in gaining greater understanding of this subject.

Here’s your opportunity to empower yourself by learning how to create a safe environment with mental health in this 2-hour FREE training. This course will equip you with the techniques for identifying mental illness, developing safe and effective responses, and building a network to quickly connect those in distress with professional care.

You Will Learn:

*What the terms “mental health” and “mental illness” mean and how distress manifests itself, and how mental illness impacts a person’s life.

*The main symptoms of mental health disorders and the truth behind misconceptions surrounding mental health disorders.

*How to communicate with someone in distress and refer them to a professional.

*How to start a conversation about mental health in your faith community.

Benefits of Taking This Course

-You’ll better understand the most common mental health topics

-You’ll gain knowledge you need to aid those struggling with mental illness and how to offer referrals for treatment.

-You’ll adapt a set of skills that can be quickly implemented following the Empower Training.

-You’ll be part of the solution that helps eliminates the stigma surrounding mental health.

Upon completion of the training, Gateway will email you a Certificate of Completion.


Location: Online

Duration: 2 Hours

Cost: FREE

Go at your own pace. There are no time limits for this course.

Learn More and Sign Up to Take the Course at: mentalhealthgateway.org/get-trained

Let us know at The Kingdom Partnership when you’ve completed the training at: www.thekingdompartnership.us

For help you can contact a trainer at Gateway to Hope. See their website.